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El Thoughtzos!


i wish there was passion in what i do, it’s a selfless endeavour, but i’ll always do this for you. i’ve lost the depressive inspiration the pavement brings. the way my doubt screams, my ears are bleeding when they ring.


it hits me everyday in many different ways. i can barely descry any sort of figure you may have been.


i stood in front of the mirror and avoided eye contact with myself just to watch tears fall off my face into a sink caked in vomit. i barely remember the colour of my eyes let alone yours, but i really just hope you’re doing better than this.


Minutia or Tragedy. Minutely i’ve immured within weeping. We shared a bond with great attention to detail and every vein abused.i wish you were still breathing.


it’s so hard to comprehend that this might be the last time i talk to you but every time i wake up i forget that i even felt this way. and that’s the point.


a promise of a week. never to induce, persuade or lead to comas infront of you. i’m better for it. the drugs they make me fall, but for once: i think i’ve fallen for you.


every painting is a self portrait, every story is a memoir.


I know you feel alone, so know I will not go

I know you feel alone, I know you feel me here

I'm sittin' right beside you, everything is okay